Thursday 20 June 2013

Day 4

Can not get pictures to upload today. Will try to add some tomorrow. Sorry.

Phrase for today. 'stop scratching them bobby'

As I sit here in my tent I can remanis about a day that has little going for it.

We woke in Uig camp site and wonderend how we had got there. Then over a cup of galactic zonjia juice ( ministroni soup to humans) we remembered that we had used odd two wheeled transports to eforrtlessly move us from place to place ending up in Uig.

We decided to have another go on the two wheeled transports just for fun to see if any of the earthlings would see through our cheap disguises ( two midle aged blokes that should know better)

We packed the night pods away and had a go at some earth breakfast.

Once we were all packed the energised the two wheeled transports and set off.
It was at this point that we noticed the gravity affected H2O (i think earthings call ir RAIN) that was all around us. We thought how lucky they are to have such an abundant supply of H2O that they can drop it from the sky in such huge amounts and so constantly.

The journey went smoothly and the H2O continued to fall constantly. When the thick atmosphere on this planet moves the earthlings call it wind. Well there was a LOT or this wind around and it always seemed to be moving in the oposite direction to our two wheeled transports.

After about 1.05 melegerts (17 earth miles) the disguises we were using needed re fuling. We puled off on to a side road and setup a fuling station, all the while the H2O was falling and the wind was moving fast. The refuling with beans and bread and ham helped the the disguises and we started the trip again but it was not long before they needed more refuling. We decided to fule up in a mas transport collection container (bus shelter) and kept out of the falling H2O znd the wind for a while.

Once re fuled we moved on again in to the now faster moving atmosphere. The feeling of the H2O smashing in to our faces was wonderfull and will never be fogoten.

We passed few places of interest in the day those we did we took images of.

The travel experience came to an end when we arrived at thw gathering place of Dunvegan.

We then picked a location for the night ppods where would be the most animal life, and found that these was an abundance of a small winged biting creacher in a quiet spot on the field.
This later turned out to an iritation to our disguises so the night pods were moved to a new spot and that is were I write this journal.

Stats for today:    
Distance : 2 melegerts (29 miles)
Average zoom : 9mph
Max zoom: 34.8mph
Transport time: 3hrs 15mins
Total time to arrive : 5hrs 30mins
Odd tasting jelly sweet count : 6 each

Last word. It rained all the way and did not stop but we made it.

Thanks for listening to the voice in your head.



  1. Alasdair, You've had too many wine gums!!!

    1. Ah yes, day 4. The day had been long and the wine gum count high. You may have spotted the cause, I was a bit 'spaced' ;0)

      Or maybe it was the toxic midge bites we were getting.

      In reality the rain had been constant all day and we really did not have a lot to put in the post for the day and my mind started to wander probably due to the lack of sleep.

      Thanks for your continued support.

